For Teachers

Tips to support a child with a chronic illness in the classroom

Hero Parents

Helping Students with Chronic Illnesses Succeed in School

As the teacher of a student with a chronic illness, you are not alone. In fact, almost one-fifth of all students in the United States, like the students in this video, have a chronic illness that interferes with school attendance.

You are in a prime position to create a positive environment for a student who has a chronic illness. But, we also know you already have a lot on your plate. The good news is, you do not have to do it alone. A united team of educators, medical professionals, and parents is available to help you.

The downloadable Project PENCIL Teachers’ Guide has the information you need to build this team and navigate your role in your student’s success. The Guide walks you through an eight-step process for supporting your student, illustrated in the infographic below.

Confused by the legal requirements? Struggling to help the student with a chronic illness while also attending to your other students? With the Teachers’ Guide and accompanying resources on this site, you will learn how to help a student with a chronic illness thrive in the classroom.


Hear three children with chronic illnesses talk about how they feel at school.

Hear three teachers of children with chronic illnesses talk about their experiences teaching children with chronic illnesses.

Teachers and school nurses can be enormously supportive in helping your child manage his or her chronic illness. Parents discuss some of the rewarding experiences they’ve had with their child’s school.


Eight steps to success for teachers of students with chronic illnesses

This infographic walks you through the process of successfully teaching a student with a chronic illness. Explore the eight succinct steps in more depth in the Teachers’ Guide.
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